As Spearhead continues to explore opportunities in the Cocktails-To-Go (CTG) category, Tom Harney, The Spearhead Group’s Quality & Compliance Manager, has assembled safety and environmental considerations to keep in mind when developing CTG packaging. Although the packaging could look very different for on/off-premise, we wanted to share the quality discussions that are at the forefront of development.
When discussing safety, we highly suggest reviewing quality for brand integrity, on/off-premise processes, consumer interfaces, and shelf life communication. A question you must ask yourself, “How will every step I take to reflect my brand?”
- Product Construction – Always consider how your CTG package is constructed, including double-checking each step for potential negative effects, such as using glue instead of heat for sealing. All items should be made using food/alcohol safe materials as well as proper sealing methods such as tamper-proofing
- Sensory Evaluation – make sure your materials have not affected the liquid inside.
- Reusable Packaging – Consider if consumers will want to re-use your product packaging.
- Lifecycle – What could possibly occur if you think through the life cycle of the product and potential misuses? What elements might your product go through during transportation and have these been addressed?
- On/Off-Premise Processes – You should also consider the different obstacles that you might come across for on-premises vs. off-premises products. What will be those differences and do you need additional training in-house if they are sold on-premises?
- Consumer Experience – You always want to ensure that the product made evokes a delightful consumer experience. This includes addressing areas such as appearance, labeling, ease of opening, instructions for use, and more.
- Shelf Life – Lastly, you should incorporate different phases of inspections so your quality is always the main focus. Will your CTG be for one-time use or perhaps it will be sold as a four-pack that can be refrigerated for future use? What about an expiration date or large format containers with reseals to ensure freshness?
Cocktails to-go are a creative, continuously reinvented packaging format for suppliers and The Spearhead Group is ready to help you get started. Reach out to our team to start co-developing your next CTG packaging.