The single & multiple serve cocktails-to-go category is booming! What’s not to love about supporting your local restaurants and getting your favorite drink to enjoy at home? The Spearhead Group continues to ask questions and build scenarios to help restaurants and bars share their alcoholic signatures with their patrons in new innovative ways.
New legislative rules around country are being adopted allowing cocktails-to go to stay a part of the industry of our local restaurants. The overall message is clear, states want to help their struggling restaurants and bars! Interestingly, most states dictate everything from volume of the drink(s), dates and times for sales, tamper evidence, and even whether or not wine and spirits can be mixed in the same cocktail (for example: a Manhattan with Vermouth & Bourbon)! There are a lot of different variables when thinking about rolling out options across multiple states.
The Spearhead Group has created several turn-key solutions for restaurants and bars. These solutions have been developed to be flexible with low minimums, a range of cost parameters, speed to market, and, most importantly, to be functional to use at any establishment with the use of a small tool or no additional tools at all. If you would like to learn more, please reach out to Pamela Wyatt Ashcraft.
This week, we launched a poll about single-serve packaging preferences and so far, the highest percentage of answers have been for the “reusable/recyclable cup/lid”. We are interested to learn more about why people have chosen this answer over other options, by posting another poll in the coming weeks asking, “what is the most important feature of a Cocktail-To-Go single-serve container?” In this poll, we hope to address what the importance of sustainability is for consumers versus the shape of the packaging. We can’t wait to share these insightful results. Stay tuned.