At Spearhead, Sustainability Fuels Innovation, Not Compromise 

Headquarters of Spearhead Global, a packaging company
Barrel Package demonstrates an example of sustainable packaging solutions.
Spearhead Global team discusses eco friendly packaging solutions

Brilliant minds spark eco-friendly solutions without compromising on excellence.

We empower your journey, equipping you with the knowledge and resources needed to make informed eco-friendly choices throughout your packaging process.

Transparency fuels collaboration; we participate in leading industry events, including the Sustainable Packaging Coalition, Sustainability in Packaging conferences, Climate Week, and UN Global Compact Presentations. Attending these events allows us to share and learn from peers and experts, broaden our network, and drive collective breakthroughs in eco-friendly packaging.

Diversity fuels creativity, leading to innovative solutions for a sustainable future for all.

Ready to join us on this journey?

At Spearhead Global, we recognize that genuine commitment to a better future requires dedicated leadership. That’s why we’re proud to have Patricia Burguete our Chief Sustainability Officer.

Under Patricia’s guidance, we actively seek ways to reduce our carbon footprint and empower every client on their own sustainable journey. This includes:

  • Tailoring strategies for each client, ensuring their journey aligns with their values.
  • Empowering action through Spearhead Project Earth™, our non-profit initiative tackling environmental challenges.

Patricia’s leadership is a constant reminder that sustainability isn’t just a buzzword at Spearhead; it’s woven into the very fabric of our DNA. With her at the helm, we’re confident in our ability to not only navigate the challenges of the present but also build a brighter future for generations to come.

Patricia Burguete, leading the charge on sustainable alternatives in spirits packaging.
Packaging designers meet in conference room.